Different Tanks, But Same Coils Part 1

Different Tanks But Same Coils

Part 1


In the vaping market there is a wide range of different E-cig companies, with their wide range of different tanks and different coils, in the first place it can sometimes be hard to keep up with all the new items but also the coils can become harder to find.
This is where, as a matter of fact, some people will get stuck with not being able to find coils for their current tank or have coils for tanks that they can no longer get.
One of our colleagues did some research and found a selection of different tanks that even though have their own coils, can still be used with each other.

These are split into 2 categories, too make it a bit easier.

So if you have any of these tanks or coils, therefore these can be used in-conjunction with each other;


Updated: June 2019


“Small Coils”

  • Advken Mesh Coil, these are used in the Advken Manta Tank
  • Artery AT22 coils, these are used in the Artery AT22 tank
  • asMODus Ohmie coils, these are used in the Asmodus Ohmie Tank, although see below for exception(1)
  • Coil Art Mage Coil, these are used in the Coil Art Mage Sub-Ohm Tank
  • Eleaf HW Atomizer heads, these are used in the Ello, Ello Mini tanks, Ello Vate, Ello Duro and Ello Pop Tanks.
  • E-XY T1 coils, these are used in the E-XY T1 RBA Tank
  • Famovape Fat Baby Mesh Coils, these are used in the Famovape Fat Baby Mesh tank
  • iM4 coils, these are used for the Illusion Mini Tank
  • Geekvape Mesh Coils, thus these are used in the Geekvape Shield, Aero and Aero Mesh Tanks
  • Geekvape Super Mesh Coils, these are used in the Geekvape Shield, Aero and Aero Mesh Tanks
  • Hellvape Mesh H1 coils, these are used in the Hellvape HellBeast tank
  • iJoy XS coils, these are used in the Ijoy Exo S and Ijoy Exo X
  • Joyetech ProCore Aries coils, these are used in the ProCore Aries tank, although see below for exception (2)
  • Karnoo T1 coils, compatible with the Karnoo T1 Tank
  • OBS M series coils, used on the OBS Damo Tank
  • Peacemaker Squid Industries Coils, these are used in the Peacemaker Tanks
  • Sigelei SM coils, these are used for the SLYDR M Sub-Ohm tanks and the KAOS Sub-Ohm Tank.
  • SMOK TFV8 baby coils, these are used for the SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast Tanks and Smoke TFV12 Baby Prince Tanks
  • Squid Ind. B1 & B4 coils, used in the Squid Ind. Peacemaker RTA,
  • Teslacigs HP coils, these are compatible with the Teslacigs H8 Mini Tank
  • Vapefly Fantasy Mini M8 coils, these are used as an alternative to the SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast, SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast, Ijoy Exo S and Ijoy Exo X
  • Vaporesso GT coils and GTM Coils, these are used in the Vaporesso NRG SE Tank and the Vaporesso Cascade tank, although see below for exception (3)
  • Vaporesso NRG coils, these are used in the Vaporesso NRG Mini Tank
  • Vaportech’s VTech Coils, thus these are used in the Vaportech’s Ark, Morpheus SF and Flip SF tanks
  • Vaptio Frogman coils, these are used for the Frogman Tank
  • WOTOFO FLOW coils, these are used for Flow SUb Ohm Tank

“Medium Coils”

  • Fireluke Mesh Coils, used in the Freemax Fireluke Mesh Tank
  • Freemax Mesh Pro Coils, used in the Freemax Mesh Pro Tank(4)
  • Twister Coils, used in the Fireluke M and Fireluke 2 tanks
  • Vapeston Avatar coils, used in the Vapeston Avatar Mesh Tank Nano
  • VooPoo U-Force Coils, used in the VooPoo U-Force tanks

Note Below


These coils can be used with each of the tanks mentioned, although this may be true there is an exception (see below).

(1) The Baby Beast Coils uniquely do not fit into the Asmodus Ohmie Tank

(2) ProCore coils fit the Big Baby Beast Tank but NOT the 22mm Baby Beast Tank, The Baby Beast Coil will fit in the Joyetech ProCore Aries Tank

(3) Eleaf HW and also the E-XY T1 coils do not fit into the Vaporesso Cascade Tank

(4)These coils are not compatible with the Fireluke Mesh Tank


Any queries you can always contact us via Facebook or by email [email protected]


343 responses to “Different Tanks, But Same Coils Part 1

        1. Hi Jack

          I have looked into these before and unfortunately could not find any compatible coils that work with the tank, other than the coils that come with the tank.

          1. Hi, is there any rba coils that can fit the falcon king tank?

          1. Hi Tom,

            I did some research online and was unable to find any definitive information, sorry.

        1. Not related, but is because you brought up the Uforce. If you’re looking to expand the capacity of the Uforce, Uforce T1, or Uforce T2 to the 8ml bubble that Voopoo released, hold on to your O-rings!! Voopoo does NOT sell the o-rings aftermarket independent of the tank, meaning they want you to buy a complete new tank when all you need is o-rings. Inked Atty makes a 5ml expansion bubble but they sell it with an o-ring set of their own to make it work. One would think that since Voopoo released an 8ml bubble that they can just pop it on, but unless you have the original o-rings from Voopoo it won’t work. Why? Because Inked Atty’s o-rings are too fat to work with the 8ml bubble glass released by Voopoo.

      1. Iv bought some tfv8 baby q2 coils for my x-baby beast tank, will they fit or do I have to use solely the x-baby q2 coils?

          1. Is the tank that fits the X Baby coils compatible with the iJoy Diamond mod?

          1. Hi John

            The Geekvape Aero tank are compatible with the coils in this list.
            The Horizon Falcon Tank unfortunately I could not find any other coils that are compatible.

      2. This is actually Really good to know ?… so let me get this right, I have the Ello Duro Tank so the Smok coils and the Vaporesso Cascade coils will fit in the Ello Duro?? TIA

      3. This list needs a serious update!!! There’s much more stuff on the market that needs examined. My 2 cents worth:
        A. Baby beAst compatible coils
        1. Advken manta/dominator
        2. Wotofo flo pro
        3. Hellvape hellbeast
        4. Digiflavor Spectre
        5. OBS Cube
        6. Vaporstorm hawk
        B. Smok prince compatible
        1. Desire bulldog/mad dog
        2. Smoant Naboo coils
        3. Avct avictor resin
        4. Waiting on confirmation for sense screen coil
        C. Smok baby V2 compatible
        1. Coilart lux coils
        D. Horizontech falcon
        1. Augvape skynet coil
        E. Freemax mesh pro
        1. Augvape Skynet Pro
        2. Rincoe metis mix coil
        3. Cks bolt

        1. Thanks for the update. I agree, the list is ancient. I was inquiring into the lux 200 coils. Now thanks to you now know I can use the falcon coils.

        2. So I hear the Baby V2 flavor is phenomenal- but I think it’s an ugly tank…so if I’m reading The List right I can put the V2 coil in a Coilart Lux tank, correct?

        3. Thanks for the updated list Jesse.

          Would you or anyone else happen to know what RBA decks are compatable with the TVF12 Baby prince tank..trying to source a TVF12 Baby prince RBA deck has become a bit of a nightmare, so wondering if any of the others will fit my tank instead.


      4. Hi,
        Probably a long shot, but was wondering if you knew of any alternative coils that would fit my Horizontech Cerakoat tank?

        I’m having lots of trouble locating the manufacturers coils for this great tank, so am hoping other brands still current, would fit.



        1. Hi Andy,

          I couldn’t find much about the tank, though somebody did say the tank is an Aspire Cleito Clone. So maybe the Aspire Cleito coils might fit. Apart from that I couldn’t see anywhere if there were any alternative coils.

          1. Thanks for your reply.
            I can’t find a lot of info about this tank or coils either, shame as it’s a good tank.

            I’ll look into that Aspire Cleito, fingers crossed the coils match.

            Thanks again.

          2. Hi Again Empvap,

            Thought i’d update on the Aspire Cleito coils and the Horizontech Cerakoat tank…they don’t appear to be compatible as the Cerakoat coils use a Female / internal thread at the top end, but the Cleito coils use a Male thread, so obviously won’t work.

            I suppose my only option would be to try rewicking my original two coils.



          3. Hi Andy,

            I was unsure if they would, that’s a shame it didn’t.
            redoing the coils is probably your best thing to do.

        1. The v8 coils work in the skrr. I have done it. They are not very good. I just picked up the Eleaf HW1 coil for the skrr and it seems to be much better.

        2. The SKRR is backwards compatible with the GT coil heads (per Vaporesso) so, Yes the BB coils should fit ‘cuz they’re compatible with the GT coil heads.

        3. Hello were you able to find out if these coils were compatible? I’m actually trying to find out the same question please!

      5. Does anyone know of any coils that fit the IPV v-it tank?
        I tried Sigelei SM coil the top threaded fine but the base threads a tad small for the base threading..
        Thanks for any help if there is.

          1. Thank You , what a bumer good little tank I got for 5$ but no other coils fit.

      6. I have found that the TFV8 Big Baby Beast (LED) tank is also compatible with the GeekVape coils for the Aegis Legend tank that originally comes with the Aegis Legend Kit. My husband is using a low wattage coil from Geekvape in my old TFV8 Big Baby Beast currently with no leakage or any other problems. 🙂

      7. Is every coil you listed here compatible with the next? Also, can i use big baby beast coils in the sigeli snowwolf tank?

      8. Hi. I know this is an old thread, but I’m looking for some help. I have a Rincoe mechman 80w that my son gave me for my birthday, but nowhere has replacement coils. I’m starting to think they discontinued them completely. Is there another tank and coil assembly I can use? I hate to scrap it, not only because I really like it, but because my son bought it for me. Any way to salvage this?

    1. Just wondering if you know of any coils that fir the famovape fat baby?anyone know if any other coils fit famovape fat baby?

      1. Hi Gavin

        Couldn’t find much with the tank. Looking at other people’s reviews of the tank and coil, it looks like it is only the coils that come with the tank are compatible with it.

        Though they do look like baby beast coils, I would have thought that they did fit, but couldn’t find any evidence on that.

        1. So, after getting a few people in at the vape shop I work at, I decided to do some researching on this since the famovape and smok baby coils look pretty much the same. A regular came in and left me one of his old burnt famovape coils with me. I read this and decided to try the old coil in a smok baby tank and i can confirm that the famovape coil did fit and fired from a baby V8 smok vape pen. I can only assume that they are indeed cross compatible. Hope this helps =)

          1. Thanks Jennie, that is helpful, sometimes a coil looks similar to another and you can’t tell if it works unless someone tries it.

        2. The Famovape Fat Baby coils are just a TAD taller than any Baby Beast Compatible coil. They do thread but then the top doesn’t screw back on. I could not find any coils that fit the Fat Baby tank and it looks like they may be discontinued. I might be wrong on that.

    2. What will fit in my ijoy avenger tank can someone please tell me because the ijoy coils that go with it dont last and burn up really fast

      1. Hi Steven,

        After a search online I have yet to find a compatible coils from other manufactures for this tank, this may change in the future.

  1. Hello, I’m new to vaping and I’m wondering if TFV8 Baby Big coils would fit in a TFV8 X-Baby Big tank.
    Thanks for your help ^^

        1. Hi Eric

          I’m afraid they don’t as one uses top airflow system and the other uses bottom airflow. With the different size also they aren’t compatible with each other.

    1. Hi Sarah

      What is on the list unless stated should fit the Ohmie tank, the Eleaf HW coils we have in our stores if it something you are looking from us?

  2. Hey i have the Eleaf Melo 4 Tank and i was wondering if there are any other compatible coils that can reach over a 100w without burning and stuff? Because right now im just using their 30-100w coil and its fine but i wanted to move up to a higher amount of wats but it burned.

    1. Hi Sebastion,

      Having a look at the tank and looking at other sources, the MELO 4 tank does take the older MELO coils (though I can’t be 100% correct as it is through other peoples view points). On our other blog https://empvap.com/interchangeable-coils-classic-tanks/ there are 2 types of coils that can fit into the MELO tank and that is the ECML and ECL coils. The ECML are 0.75 ohm coils so that wouldn’t be what you are looking for.
      The ECL coil is 0.18 ohm, that may be better what you are looking for. I couldn’t see when looking what it’s ideal range is for usage though.

  3. Awesome thank you so much for this information because I have the big baby Beast the baby Beast and the vaporesso
    And I love the smaller coils because it has so much more flavor without having to use the drip

  4. Hey,
    Just a quick one. Are all tanks interchangeable? I’ve a revenger mini with only a 2ml tank and was wondering if I can just change to a larger tank without problem… It’s quite small

    1. HI Kieran

      In terms of changing tanks on different batteries, nearly all tanks have the same fittings that go onto a battery. If it is in terms of glass, coils and spare parts these are sometimes specific to the companies and also to the different models of tanks. In these blogs we found that some did have same fittings with coils which does make it more helpful when trying to find coils for your device.

    2. If you are asking if you can use different coils in the NRG SE tank that came with the Vaporesso Revenger Mini, I can verify that Smok Baby Beast Mesh coils will work in it, ive used them in my NRG and my Girlfriends NRG SE. I will say the bottom part of the coil needs to be pulled down just a tad bit as it doesnt contact the positive pin on the base. The vapor and flavor production is fantastic with these coils.

    1. Hi Tom,

      I did some research but couldn’t find the sense ceramic coils for the baby beast only for the TFV12 and TFV8, this doesn’t mean they don’t exist just that I couldn’t find them. hope this helped a little.

          1. Keith is right, am using the Vaporesso GT cCELL 0.5ohm cols on my TVF8 BBB as I’m typing this post. Oddly, for whatever reason, when installed in the intended NRG Tank, keep getting ‘Check Atomizer’ error.

            Yet am happy to have a tank that these works with perfectly!

            The other coils which works with the NRG also does with the TFV8 BBB & are of higher quality than the SMOK brand. These can be reused over & over again by soaking in Everclear or other high proof clear liquor for 12 hours, followed by a rinse in hot water, then a soak in hot water for 12 hours, followed by sitting the coil in an A/C vent or in a sunny place for a day or so. I learned the tip via one of Rip Tripper’s YouTube videos, a true cash saver. Brings the Vaporesso coils back to 95% life, as long as not too badly clogged, if so, then 80-90%. One can use a tiny instrument after the liquor soak, such as a toothpick, to break loose any gunk before rinse & final soak. The main thing being able to insert the toothpick all the way through each hole in the coil.

    1. Hi Mike

      I’m afraid they won’t. I had a good look online to find out which tank they were compatible with, some people think the TFV12 Prince might be okay but there was no solid answers.

      They did say that the VooPoo UForce are compatible, but I have never seen them myself so can’t be certain if those work in the Prince tank or any other Smok tanks.

  5. So that means that I can put a ProCore2 in my NRG tank and a GT core in my eVic Primo SE, which comes with procore coils?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi DanH, if the Primo SE takes the ProCore coils then the all the coils on the list should fit, I couldn’t find anything specific about that tank though so I can’t be 100% sure

      1. Thank you for your answer. I will try that shortly, because vaporesso brand is not available in my country, only by online purchase. Joyetec is in every other store, however.

  6. I recently was bought a aegis legend by geekvape and was wondering if smok coils would work on it as i had a smok previously any information would greatly help

    1. Hi Paul

      They are compatible with the Smok TFV8 Baby beast Coils. That said if they fit that then they may possibly fit the other coils that are compatible with the Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coils

    1. Hi Debbie

      I had a look, I think unfortunately from what I could find that the Kage Coils only fit the Kage Tank, and no other coils fit into either I’m afraid.

    1. The Smok big baby beast has an rba coil that will fit into that tank. I’m guessing that any of the coils listed above will fit that tank. Many of those tanks listed offer rba coil heads so you should have quite a few options

      1. BBB rba section does not fit any tank besides bbb because smok includes a taller glass section in order to use it. Advken dominator includes rba section that is compatible with other bbb tanks

  7. Hi, I was wondering if you know of any other tanks the Freemax Fireluke mesh coils fit by chance? Or if there are any other tanks that now have a mesh coil option?
    Thanks in advance for your help

    1. Hi Jamie
      I had a look and I couldn’t find another tank the fireluke mesh coils fit into. The only thing that I could find is that they don’t fit into older models.

      Eleaf has just brought out a new mesh coil the HW-M coil. Having a look these fit into the the same tanks that the rest of the HW coils fit into. If you have a look above it shows you which tanks are compatible. Though because they are new out I don’t know if they do fit into all of these tanks.

      1. I can verify the Freemax Fireluke mesh coils Do fit my voopoo UFORCE tankno modding needed. Best coil I’ve found for this tank. I wish I could find the VaporWerxUSA coils for my cloud beast or my Subego Mega. VWerxUSA is the best coils I’ve ever used that I didn’t make myself, the Freemax Fireluke mesh coils are right there with them though. Also not listed the innokin Axiom coils fit the innokin crios tank and basically make it a mini axiom. I have these combos and won’t ever change back to what is recommended

    1. Hi Joshua

      Looked online at the Vaporesso Cascade and found that the coils for that are used in the Vaporesso NRG tank series. The coils for those are smaller than the Eleaf ES coils.

      The coils that are compatible with the Eleaf Coils are on this blog post here;

      The coils that may be compatible with your Vaporesso Cascade are above, though I can’t be certain as the GTM coils for the Cascade are “plug-n-pull”.
      There is though looking at the website a GT coil adaptor so maybe using that you might be able to use the coils above.

      1. They look like the smok coils would fit, but that totally sux that nothing does. I have one on the way and was hoping they were compatible with something else also.

  8. I have the TFV8 Big Baby tank. I’m trying to figure out which coil is the best for this tank. I’ve been using the baby t8 coils, but I just really cannot stand SMOK’s coils. What is a better alternative?

  9. I just got a eleaf lexicon kit. Im trying to figure out what coils i can use instead of the ones that come with it. I got the hwm and hwn. Please help me figure out which one are going to work.

    1. Hi Nora

      Any of the Eleaf HW coils will fit into it. Which should mean that any other coils compatible with the Eleaf HW Coils in this blog might be compatible.
      Since the Lexicon is a brand new device there is not much in terms with compatibility on the tank and coils so it might not be accurate.

  10. Hi, any ideas what coils would fit in the new Eleaf Ello Vate tanks besides the HW-M and HW-N that came with it? Everywhere I search just talks about the Ello tank rather than the Ello Vate…

          1. Hello,
            I have an Ello T tank that uses the HW coils (it comes with HW3 & HW4). I’ve been liking the HW3. I am having trouble finding out if any other coils work with this tank? I’ve read about baby beast coils possibly working, but not certain. Asking because I can’t always get the HW coils. Also, if it works with other coils, which coils perform best?

          2. Hi Cylee

            The coils above should be compatible with the Ello T tank. In terms of best performance, it is really down to personal preference, wattage output and type of E-liquid used.

            A lot of people have been moving to mesh coils, which there is HW versions of these, HW-N & HW-M. Smok also do mesh coils too Baby Mesh and Baby Strip, though I found those sometimes don’t fit on the Baby Beast tank, as they are designed for the Baby Prince, those this tank does take the Baby Beast Coils.

    1. Hi SKW,

      There was a note with it not working with the baby beast coils, it could be that the the E-XY coils come under that too, it maybe that the threads don’t allow them to connect up.

  11. Are there any mesh coils that will fit the Arco II? I am hoping the tfv8 baby beast mesh coil will fit, but I can’t find anything confirming it online.

    1. Hi Adam

      I had a wee look at the tank. I did see online that the coils for these are also used in the HorizonTech Duos, that tank can use the TFV8 coils, so I can’t be 100% sure but these should be compatible.

    1. Hi Jehan

      Had a long look at those coils, couldn’t find much about them. There was somewhere i read that the Sigeli WF coil series is made specifically for the Wolf tank. So it looks like there is no other coils that would fit.

    1. Hi Zachary,
      It is all down to every ones preference which tank is best.
      Smok have recently released the Baby Prince tank which uses the Baby Beast coils, so therefore has the same compatibility’s as the baby beast tank. They have released a baby V8 mesh coil with this too.
      So if you are looking for a new tank that could be one for you.

      1. Hey Guys , I’m looking for a list of tanks as well , that can use the TFV8 X-Baby Coils..I really like the M2 0.25 ohm coils , but the slide open lid on the SMOK Tanks gets loose over time ,and causes leaking and flooding issues..I sent you a regular email as well. Before I realized I could comment here..I’m looking for a list of compatiable tanks that can use the X-Baby coils..Hopefully I will have some to choose from..

  12. First off, thanks for this post. Awesome information.

    My question is actually about cross-use of glass. I have a Vaporesso NRG tank that came stock with my Revenger X mod.

    Can a glass tube for a Smok Big Baby Beast tank be substituted on the NRG tank in a pinch?

    Also, are there bubble tubes available for the 5ml NRG tanks?

    I apologize if this isn’t the place to ask, but you seem like the most knowledgeable source I have come across on Google.

    1. Hi Jax

      I couldn’t find anything about glass being compatible with other tanks. We have always found that glass is generally made for certain tanks and you can’t use different brands’ glass with each other.

      In terms of the NRG glass, I couldn’t find a bubble glass, there seems to be only a 2ml glass and a straight 5ml glass.

      1. An acrylic tank for the big baby beast will fit that NRG tank with a little bit of force. It fits a little tight at the top of the tank

  13. Will the Joytech Procore C3/4 fit in an EU compliant vaporesso NRG mini? You haven’t specified what procore coils fit other than putting ‘2’ after them, so does that mean only the C2 fits?

  14. Hi Josh
    It is all the Procore coils, the (2) refers to the bit below the post which states;
    ‘ProCore coils fit the Big Baby Beast Tank but NOT the 22mm Baby Beast Tank, The Baby Beast Coil will fit in the Joyetech ProCore Aries Tank’

    1. Thanks a lot pal! Heard these are leaps and bounds better than the GT coils. I’d advise everyone buying the NRG tanks to NOT buy GT coils. the gt4/6/8 have all lasted 1 and a half days for me. Pathetic. About 20ml max. Going to try some Procore c3 and see what they say

  15. I have the smok v8 stick,I know the coils are not interchangeable. I am moreless looking for a different tank,what tanks are compatible with that unit and will use that same coil?

  16. I have a cascade baby se tank along with big baby and baby prince. Bought the baby mesh coils thinking it will fit all, but apparently it just won’t screw into the cascade baby, although my other baby coil does go in. Does anyone know if it’s just the baby mesh that doesn’t fit?

    1. I had the same issue. Have a Cascade Baby SE, tried the v8 mesh and they just won’t screw in all the way. Tried a few different o-rings but still won’t fit. The v8 mesh will screw in all the way without an o-ring at all, but regardless the 510 connection doesn’t seem to work with these as no matter how I get them screwed into my baby SE mod says “No atomizer”.

      I was just wanting to try the Smok mesh in my se as I like the mesh, but the vaporesso mesh coils seem to leak more. Mostly I use ccell ceramic though in my se.

  17. Hi Jill,

    I know, from research, that the Eleaf HW coils and the EX-Y T1 coils don’t fit the Vaporesso Cascade tank too. I haven’t seen the tank so it could be that something in the base or chimney stops those coils fitting into that tank.

  18. hey folks

    newbie question here – when people say coils aren’t compatible does that mean they have different thread sizes?

    i have a tv12 baby prince tank that came with a .15 4 coil – how is that different from the .15 coil in my geekvape aero mesh tank? same thread same wattage requirement. wouldn’t they be compatible?


    1. Hi Chris,

      Compatibility usually means if the coil will fit the tank it’s not intended for and fire, many coils share the same threads, but other variations like coil height should also be taken into consideration.
      Part two of “Different Tanks, But same coil” should provide a good list of compatible coils/Tanks. Hope this helped.

    1. Hi Lisa

      Unfortunately the coils with that tank are the only coils that seem to fit that tank. Looking online I couldn’t find anything about compatibility with that tank and other coils.
      What a lot of reviewers and people generally talking about that tank said was that is how it was designed.

  19. Anyone know what coils I can use in my snowwolf wolf sub ohm tank? When I bought it the girl working at the local vape shop said the tank is compatible with other types of coils other than the ones made by snowwolf

    1. Hi Cody

      From looking at before, I couldn’t find much about them. There was somewhere I read that the Sigeli WF coil series is made specifically for the Wolf tank. So it looks like there is no other coils that would fit.

  20. Hey! Just bought a Vaporesso 80W Swag Kit. I have some eLeaf HW4 coils here….they should work in the Swag yah? Thanks!

  21. Got a smoke priv video and I’m wondering what tanks I could purchase for it other than the Smok tanks? And how would I determine that?

  22. I have a eleaf Ello Duro tank and used to factory coil that came with it today Ive alled all over town its a HW-N .02 OHM is there anything thats compatable?

  23. Hi Leandro

    If it is the standard TFV8 then they definitely won’t work. If it is the TFV8 Baby RBA they only work in the Big Baby Beast not the Standard Baby Beast. Though they might fit there could be an issue with needing a bigger glass for those tanks.

  24. I have the melo 4 tank that came with ikuu i80 by Eleaf which ccell coils are compatible with this tank ? Or any recommendations for tanks that use the ccell coils

    1. Hi Dannielle,

      The Vaporesso Ceramic Ccell coils should be compatible with your tank, going by the research I could find online. hope this helps 🙂

  25. Is there any mesh coils that will fit in the TFV12 prince tank.

    And what the brands tank will fit on a devilkin mod

    1. Hi Tara, Smok have just brought out with there new TFV12 Prince Cobra tank, 2 types of mesh coils. We are hoping to get these in in the next couple of weeks

  26. Hi I was wondering if you know of any mesh coils that fit the smok bbb tank? They have a mesh and strip coil from smok but I’m looking for any other brands and coils that would fit as well?

  27. I work at a vape shop. A customer with an iJoy Diamond mini kit came in looking for coils. The coils of the iJoy Diamond tank appear to be baby beast clones. So I tried Vaporesso GT-6 coils, and the coil would not screw in the base of the tank. It would however screw into the chimney and then the tank would screw together, but I would get the “no atomizer” error… It appears as if iJoy wants customers to only buy from them, and not be able to conveniently buy from the endless supply of baby beast coils at their local vape shops (baby beast, vaporesso, medusa, coil art, and on and on)

  28. Hi, I wonder that I can use Smok TFV8 baby RBA in my Wotofo Flow Tank? Are their glasses compatible each other? Thanks.-

    1. Hi Tataromar

      I couldn’t find anything about the compatibility of the TFV8 Baby RBA with the Wotofo Tank.
      Generally speaking glass is specific to a company’s tanks, there is some exceptions but not normally.

      1. Thanks, I will write down here if I try both one day 😉 I think coil is exactly compatible but glass can be problem. Will try and see how. If you find anything before me, let me know.-

  29. Looks like you’ve had a lot of questions. I just wanted to add one more. I have a advken Manta sub ohm mesh tank. Is there anything other thank advken that I can use? Thanks Brandy

    1. Hi Brandy

      It took me a while to find information about the tank. I did find somewhere that TFV8 Baby coils and NRG coils do fit into the tank.
      If that is the case then technically the coils in this blog should fit. I can’t be 100% sure as there may be some fitting issues with the top thread, from looking at the pictures of the coils that come with the Manta Tank.

  30. i have an avenger with the original tank on it still, are there any higher rated coils i could use to push a higher wattage? the x3-c3 coils only go up to 110, and i like to vape higher then that, but i really dont have the money to buy a new tank.

    1. Hi Carrie

      There isn’t much that do go above that wattage range, though have you tried any of the mesh coils by Smok or Eleaf, though they are lower wattage you do get a bit more from them.

    1. Hi Am,

      Found this list online hope it helps.

      Eleaf HW coils
      E-Xy T1 coils
      Geekvape iM1+4 coils
      iJoy XS coils
      Joyetech Procore Aries coils
      SMOK TFV8 baby coils
      Vaporesso NRG coils

  31. Hey um guys i have a snow wolf kit. Im trying to figure out if the bubble tank glass on it will fit on a smok tank? Can you guys please help me out? Therebut

    1. Hi New2DaGame

      Generally glass from other companies don’t fit on tanks from another company. Which smok tank do you have? You can get an 8ml glass for the Prince and 5ml for the Baby Beast and Baby Prince.

  32. Hi, I use a smok tank with TFV12 coil and someone mentioned to me that you can put a vaporesso GT mesh coil in and it will fit, just wanted to know if that’s true ? If not what other coil could I use just want to try other ones out there
    Many thank

    1. Hi Mark,

      No the GT Mesh Coils won’t fit the TFV12 Prince or Cloud Beast Tank. If it is the TFV12 Baby Prince, it might fit, though since they are newish to market, I don’t know absolutely if they will.

      There is mesh coils for both the TFV12 Prince and the TFV12 Baby Prince if it mesh coils you are looking for.

      We sell the Baby Prince mesh coils at the moment and waiting on the Prince mesh coils coming in.

      Hope that has helped.

  33. v8 baby rba doesn’t fit into vaporesso cascade baby se tank. rba is too large and the chimney of the cascade doesn’t screw into the rba.
    I would love to find an rba I could use with my Cascade Baby SE tank but to no avail at the moment.

    1. SMOK TFV12 baby rba actually fits the cascade baby tank,

      bought one through aliexpress, though it does seem to fit and everything closes, i have some minor leakage issues but that may be due to my wicking (just got it last week, first build in there), just a warning though the deck is dual coil and super tiny.

      good luck

  34. any other coils compatible as a replacement for the Vaporesso Cascade GTM Coils in a Cascade 8ml tank? Not Cascade baby, just the Cascade.

  35. Hi,

    Looking to see what mesh coils (if any) can fit my Horizontech Arco II.

    Does the Falcon resin coils fit on the Arco II?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Bryson

      After looking, the Falcon coils won’t fit on the ARCO II tank.

      I unfortunately couldn’t find any mesh coils for the ARCO II tank that are compatible.

  36. I have the Smok TFV8 Big Baby EU Tank that came with my ProColor, and I’m trying to figure which alternate coils will work with it. I’m using Eleaf HW4s at the moment, but they’re not really lasting much longer than the Smok ones. I’m thinking of getting some mesh ones, maybe ceramic.

    1. Hi James

      There is HW mesh coils that you could try, the Smok Baby Prince Mesh coils might work too, but even though they are compatible, I have seen issues with them fitting on some Baby Beast tanks.

      1. Thanks for your reply.

        So would all of the ones in this list be compatible with my tank? Any you’d recommend? I’m trying to avoid Smok coils altogether as they’ve been terrible in my experience. I’ll order some of the HW mesh coils to try out.

  37. So would all of the ones in this list be compatible with my Smok TFV8 Big Baby EU tank? Any you’d recommend? I’m trying to avoid Smok coils altogether as they’ve been terrible in my experience

    1. Hi Amel

      I couldn’t find much in terms of Coil Compatibility, but I did read on Vaptio’s website that it is similar to the Frogman Coil. If that is the case they should fit as the Vaptio Frogman coils are compatible with the list above.

    1. Hi Brandon

      I didn’t find much in regards to the coils compatibility. Though I read somewhere that the Baby Beast coils are similar, so they might work. If those do work the coils above should work too.

    1. Hi Bryan

      Having a look at the coils for the Cerberus tank, the coils that are used are also used in the Geekvape Aero Tank.

      Those coils are on this compatibility list here above

      Though I can’t be 100% sure if all of them will fit, but according to Geekvape’s website, it would seem they could be compatible.

  38. I just want to understand this correctly. You are saying all of the coils listed above (excluding the exceptions*) are all interchangeable across all the mods and tanks listed?

    I currently have a Therion box mod with the KAOS sub ohm tank (from the KAOS 220 Kit with the hinged top). Currently running a V8 Baby-T8, coil is ok. Huge lung capacity and finding that my coils are burning out faster then I would like. What do you suggest as the best coil replacement for mainly clouds but also decent longevity?


    1. I am currently running SMOK V8 Baby – T8 for my KAOS sub ohm tank. I heard that the other smok baby coil types work. Looking for other suggestions that are better. Burning out current coils faster then I would like. Feel like they dont wick fast enough.

    1. Hi TrifeDawg17

      Looking at a few reviews and pages that sell the coil, it seems to be that those coils are designed specifically for that tank, therefore I’m afraid there won’t be any other coils compatible with it.

  39. ProC coils series are for ProCore Aries & ProCore Motor

    You mentioned that Smok Baby coils fit the Aries, will they fit the Motor as well ??

    1. Hi Jimmy,
      We don’t stock these coils ourselves, so we can’t check ourselves if they are compatible.
      Looking online, I can’t find anything about the compatibility of those coils.

    1. yeah, i’m interested in buying luxe kit with skrr tank to enjoy its massive 8ml capacity. I’m still looking for answer for this too. Is SKRR and cascade tanks are the same? will smok baby tfv8 RBA deck fit to SKRR tank?

  40. Horizon Falcon….Any other coils work in it that are lower wattage than the Falcon coils? I vape menthol and need lower wattage coils.

  41. Hi hope you can help! Have a SMOK T-PRIV with TFV8 big baby tank.have purchased TF-STC2 coils by mistake will these fit tank?

  42. Do the GeekVape Supermesh & IM1 coils both work in the GeekVape Cerberus tank? Some sites say they are compatible yet the back of the boxes only say ‘Compatible with Shield & Aero’. Also, do both or either of these GeekVape coils work in the Eleaf ELLO Duro Tank or the Vaporesso Cascade Baby Tank? Thanks!

    1. Hi Kari

      The coils are definitely compatible with the Cerberus tanks as with the Shield and Aero tank.

      Therefore these coils will fit the Ello Duro tank and the Vaporesso Cascade Baby Tank.

      1. Thank you so very much! Greatly appreciate your help. One other coil question; are there any other brands that fit in the Crown 3 tank? Thank you in advance!!

          1. Thanks for checking. Hoping the Crown 4 has same flavor as 3. A lot of new tanks with mesh coils don’t allow sweeter, dessert flavors to fully be tasted.

  43. Does anyone know if the tfv8 light up coils fit the wotofo pro tank? I know the ordinary tfv8’s are compatible, but what of the light up ones? Thanks.

    1. Hi Lewis

      The TFV8 Baby Light coils are compatible with the Baby Beast, so therefore in theory should be compatible with the Wotofo Pro Tank, though I can’t be 100% sure

  44. I have the out of date SMOK BRIT ONE MEGA that uses the BRIT CLOUD tank with B2 0.3 ohm Kanthal dual core (25 – 50W) coils, can you offer any solutions for other options for coils that will fit? I am hoping maybe the later beast lines may have one that fits, but I would be happy to find any coils that fit and work with this! It’s a shot in the dark, but I thought I’d put it out there and see what comes up… 🙂

    1. I am looking at the coil and it looks to be one coil, and the site I used as reference for the info says the kit I got comes with the 0.4ohm B2 Kanthal dual core ( 20 – 50W ) coils, but the replacement coils I have, that worked in it show 0.3 Ohm’s resistance and no site of dual coils, unless there is one coil in the center, wrapped in cotton with another coil wrapped on the outside of the cotton. Not sure if an of that matters, just trying to narrow down possible confusion to hopefully help get some good info on coils that will work in the BRIT CLOUD tank! Thanx 🙂

    2. Hi RelaxandEnjoy1,

      After doing some research online, I was unable to find any other coils compatible with your device, this may not be the case in the future going by other SMOK devices. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

  45. Update:
    You can add the Vaporesso SKRR and Geekvape Cerberus to the Baby Beast category. These coils fit in both tanks and work wonderfully.

  46. I have been researching for days trying to find an RBA deck that will fit a tfv8 baby v2. There has to be at least one out there somewhere but I’ve given up the search. Can someone please help. I’d love to try my own build with this tank. Thanks in advance and happy vaping!

  47. What other coils are compatible with the U-Force T 1 tank made by Voopoo? They are just to expensive and the quality is good but not that damn good for that expensive of a price…..

  48. I had the uk snow wolf mfeng tank which broke soon after buying snow wolf mesh coils WF-M mesh coils to be exact

    I replaced my tank with a Smok TFV12 Resa Prince tank with bubble glass would the snow wolf coils be compatible with the Smok TFV12 Resa Prince tank

    Just seems a waste to throw them away if they could be used

  49. Hi, what atomizers are compatible with the smok MAG Grip 100w mid, other than the one that comes on it? I’d like to change the look between vapes and have multiple flavors on standby in each different tank, depending on my mood.

    1. Hi Matthew,

      It looks like it is a standard tank fitting, so really it would be any tank that you could put on it, with coils that don’t need more than 100w to fire.

  50. Does anybody know if any of the v8 rba bases will work for the vaporesso skrr? I know there are a few different ones for it. I saw somewhere that the v12 rba works in the cascade. But I am thinking that one is too wide for the skrr.

  51. Have been a big fan of dmok for ages v4 v4 baby v8 baby v8 v8 baby v2 and v12 prince. I have decided to mix it up a bit and buy a freemax mes pro sub ohm tank. I heard the coils from augvape skynet pro are interchangeable. Is that correct and are there any others please. Thanks.

  52. Please tell me what coil I can use in my rincoe metis mix tank. I dont seem to find any single coils anywhere. Thanks

    1. Hi Lisa, Due to your tank being relatively new, I was unable to find a definite answer to your question. This will change after more people have bought and tested the coil compatibility of your tank.

    1. Hi Deepz,

      The SMOK Baby Beast, Eleaf Ello HW and Vaporesso NRG coils should be compatible with your tank, hope this helps.

  53. U have the tallica mini tank and i absolutely dread the coils any other options? The coils burnt way too quick 70/30 vg pg. Coils were primed vaped at recommended settings and yeah… dont know of theres another option or if i should just trash it and buy a new tank.

    1. I’m using GT core in the tallica mini tank seems to work fine think you lose a little space for the as it’s a little bulkier also went with the Ceramic coil but thats mainly becose of the bad expiriance with the old TG coil

    1. Hi Ajc,
      I have a had a look at the Snowwolf tank. The Wolf Sub-Ohm tank seems to only use the WF coils. I can’t find any other coils that would fit into that tank.
      Sorry I can’t help you out further.

  54. I must dis-agree with one of these tanks listed…Famovape fat baby mesh coils are not compatible with hardly any tanks I have found. The Famovape Fat baby mesh pro is the tank that is compatible. Believe it or not the fat baby mesh and fat baby mesh pro are different. It is a bit like the fireluke being compatible with the freemax mesh pro, but the fireluke mesh is smaller and not compatible. They could not confuse us more if they tried

    1. I have no personal knowledge of the freemax twister mesh. I knew well about the fat baby mesh and fatbaby mesh pro due to buying a fat baby mesh pro kit, along with a bunch of fat baby mesh coils that were incompatible. I then had to buy fat baby mesh tanks and fat baby mesh pro coils. The fat baby mesh pro coils fit a lot of mesh tanks, have not found any mesh tanks yet that fat baby mesh coils fit.

  55. Hi guys, thank you so much for your kind contribution to the vape community! I still have a doubt. As far as I understand it, skrr tanks are compatible with Baby Beast coil heads. Does this mean that skrr is also compatible with Baby Beast RBA base, such as tfv8 RBA?

    1. Hi Yuri,

      In theory yes they do, but I do believe the RBA deck is slightly bigger than the baby coils, so there might be some issues with fitting it to the SKRR tanks.

  56. Hello there I have just purchased the hellvape hellbeast tank which is said to be able to use the Smok TFV8 baby beast coils. Just wondering if the Geekvape Supermesh coil will fit into the hellbeast tank?

  57. Hi All,

    Looking for ceramic wicking coils and hoping to find ones that match my existing tanks.
    Got a ELeaf Melo 4, Melo 3 and SMOK TFV12
    any recommendations for compatibility ?

    it seems that the Vaporesso CCELL coils should fit the melo 3/4 tanks, can someone confirm this ?
    Any ceramic wicking coils for the SMOK TFV12 out there ?

    If neither of those than what coil / tank combo is recommended for ceramic wicking ?
    Or just any recommendations would be great.
    I prefer 5ml+ capacity, 40-60 Watt area, DTL

    1. Hi Jonathan,

      With the Melo 3 and 4 tank you can use potentially the coils on this list here. They might not all be compatible, all depends on the threads of the coils. I don’t know which ones are Ceramic, but it is a large list to check out.

      In terms of the TFV12 compatible coils there is only a handful that are (here). Again unsure if any of these do carry ceramic versions of there coils.

      In Scotland where we are we are limited to 2ml tanks, though they are a lot of tanks that do have “spare glass” that have a large capacity.
      If you are looking for the wattage range, and can’t find a ceramic coil, the mesh coils you get for a lot of tanks, are mostly in that range. That might be a good try if you are struggling to get ceramic coils.

    1. Hi Keith,

      I was struggling to find any information on the compatibility of coils to fit the Vector Tank.
      A lot of places were stating that Smok and Vaporesso have coils that are compatible, though none of the places I looked at state which ones.
      I did find in one place that the coils for FreeMax Mesh Pro , CKS BOLT & Rincoe Metis Mix Coils are compatible, but it was only mentioned on one site and no where else, so I don’t know how reliable that is.

  58. I can’t find coils for my OBS -V. It is my favorite tank. Never has leaked. any clue as to which coil might work in it? OBS V Tank Atomizer Head – Pack of 3. Please help. 🙂

  59. I am a bit confused regarding the Famovape Fat Baby Mesh Tank. The list says this is cross compatible with TFV8 style coils but I see some comments here that say it may not be. I see this tank on sale and am thinking about purchasing one but want to make sure it will take the Geekvape Supermesh coils that I use in my Cerberus tank. Can I get a definite answer?

  60. Hello I’m just curious since the vaporesso gt coils are compatible with the vaporesso QF coils, are the vaporesso QF coils compatible with my Hellvape Hellbeast tank? I’ve tried to find the answer everywhere and all I keep getting is the standard Smoke TFV8 Vaporesso GT out the Aspire. Please help!!

  61. are there any other tanks out there I can use the tfv mini v2 coils in as the smok tank’s airflow sounds horrendiously loud

  62. Yes, they will fit but for flavor, the famovape m15 mesh coils 0.15 are hands down, the best. I have two famo tanks and I love them. I have used them with just about every mod I have and at this point, am completely spoiled with their quality. Hope this helps

  63. Am I understanding this wrong? I thought each tank mentioned, the coils are supposed to interchange with each other.

    Ive got a gold uforce edition drag 2, uforce tank and a mesh pro right here, coils most definitely do not fit each other?

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